Thanks to:
Anders Larsson, VD Fyrisåns Vattenförbund, for being postive to our idea and teaching us about Fyrisriver
PerRickard Rönnberg-Fyrlycke, Uppsala Kommun, who gave us the material and a place to work on and knows all about cleaning Uppsala
Nicklas Ursin, nube marknentreprenad, sponsoring us with transport and giving us good advice
Bengt Jansson, Diver, informing us about the cleaning process of the river and helping out with the placement of the sculpture
Jöran Frohm, Uppsala Kommun, for giving us permission to do this
Lars Johansson, Uppsala Kommun, telling us about projects and being positive
Sven Ahlgren, Uppsalavatten, for helping us getting in touch with the right people
Karin Åkerström, Police, for being nice and helpful
LarsÅke Lundwall, Dad, for lending out his precious Danford anchor
Susan Paget and Ylva Dahlman, our teachers from SLU, for inspiring and mentoring us